A Toast to 2012

Good bye! Thanks a ton! Good riddens!

But wait! Was it really that bad? Introspection, deep reflection and countless glasses of rum later, I begin to wonder if 2012 really was that bad a year? Let me look back at my year, my year of reckoning, discovery, loss, renewal and flickers of hope here and there.

The year began on a somber note for me when my aunt, who I have loved and admired all my life decided she needed a better place, then this world, to live in. She was always a true inspiration in just the way she conducted herself and her tenacity for many things in life. She doted on me and it was and still is tough to see her contact on my phone and not be able to dial her number. Makes me realize that you just can never have enough conversations with the people you love and I cringe at the thought that I didn’t call her more. She is surely in a better place now and she is quite probably tuning into her favorite TV show or cursing the plight of our society while she keeps a keen eye on me and hopes for the best for my life. You will always be missed.

For a year that started on such a low note, it did find it very tough to give me any highs. But seeing my beautiful niece go from being a couple of months old to a year old, will surely be the crowning glory of this year. Incredibly intelligent, naughty and cruelly cute, she has brought out a protective, quasi-fatherly side to me that I did not know existed. Now I understand when close family are so shocked every year to see me all grown up. I used to laugh at their incredulity but I’m very sure my niece will be doing the same when I look at her and tear up every time I see her. She is truly the apple of my eye and seeing her grow will undoubtedly be my favorite moments of 2013. That’s already guaranteed!

My love and appreciation for one of my most celebrated interests only strengthened this year. It began with Agneepath and was wrapped up quite tautly by Talaash. It wasn’t my favorite year of Bollywood but it surely was the year when I took it most seriously. I betted heavily on good content and I must say, I was let down a bit. But a few movies did sure warm the heart. Kahaani stunned me, Barfi wowed me but by far the movie of the year would, without a single iota of doubt be, Gangs of Wasseypur. A true classic and I fail to understand how that wasn’t our Oscar entry. The five hour, two part revenge saga was pretty much how I would like to define my life from this point. Watch it and you will know what I mean. This was also the year I discovered ‘The Secret in their eyes’, an Argentine thriller which is just beyond comparison. A movie that I urge you to watch just to understand how powerful cinema can truly be. Let Bollywood aspire for such heights this year and with possibly the most exciting February of movies lined up in my movie watching history, I cannot wait for 2013.

This also was the year of understanding love. It was warming, it was comforting, it was tiring, it gave me hope and encouragement, it made me feel all conquering, helped me realize what’s important and also was disappointing and outright shocking at times. I have seen my greatest lows and hit my most intoxicating highs this year and it’s all because of a few relationships that involved people very close to me. I’m ending the year with possibly my belief in love shaken, but not stirred. I have won some and possibly lost the most important one but I vow to continue fighting in 2013. Top of my list is to regain my love for the city of Chennai which has been an unsuspecting bystander in all my tribulations this year and has been blamed for most of it. In rediscovering my love for this city I believe lies the key to my renewal. As for relationships that seem to have gone out of my hand now, they need to know they will remain in the heart but my desire to fight back is at it’s strongest. So this is me hoping to be a better man who will be accepted better by people around him and this is me submitting myself to the greater conspiracies of the universe.

Finally, this was also the year of independence. My first full year standing on my own feet. My first year with my own transport independence – my first bike and car. This was also the year I took care of myself. This was the year my writing came into its own as for the first time I actually seem to have a plan for it and I hope 2013 will give me the right direction for my writing exploits. This was the year I decided to take control of my life and never let anyone or anything bring me to my knees. This was the year my career began to take serious shape and I truly believe I have a lot to prove and I have everything in place to do just that. 2012 will always be the year I decided to take control..

A huge thanks to everyone and everything who made this year brilliant. A special mention to killer roommates, my cozy family, all my friends –rich, fat, thin and the ones holding on tight. My cubicle mates, my zippy Activa, my smooth Indica, Old Monk and Bafat Pork, Flat 3A, Swedish House Mafia and Mumford & Sons, Manchester United, money in the bank, biryanis across Chennai and of course, the girl with the lovely voice. There were many others but I promise to add you in my Welcome to 2013 post J

Take care 2012 and yes, before I start drinking, Cheers!!