a photograph

the only problem i have had in my otherwise picture perfect life is 'the photograph' (slightly complicated pun intended). i have never really been able to pull off a decent picture. whenever somebody tells me to smile before a photo, the only thought in my mind is, why should i smile for this guy? i mean give me a reason!! make me laugh, crack a joke, make the moment worthwhile and i'll flash my 32 carat smile.
then i look around and see how easy everyone else find it to pull off a photograph in just one effortless motion. a little soul searching later i realised that there was a fundamental problem. then i go back to the days where as a young boy in play school i was extremely shy and vacant expressions were my forte. i could pull out one of those 'the rest of the world is invisible' looks from my repertoire any given moment. not being very expressive and lacking the will to enjoy the moment was my USP. guess when you piece all that together you find clear symptoms of the dreaded 'reluctant smile' virus which infects every one in a million people in the photogenic world every year. i'm yet to find a twin to my condition and the search is on.
but that once in a while i manage to pull of that one illusion which eludes me till the next. there is no pattern to the photographs i end up smiling in and sometimes little logic. but the beauty of the virus is that even if it allows me to pull off a smile, it refuses to keep my eyes fully open. as i write this blog i'm trying to smile and the muscles hurt. do not mistake me for a story gone wrong, its all just the makeup we all wear. the one photograph i can never ever pull off is the passport one. i mean when he tells me to smile i really don't see any reason to do so. specially with those studios with all their fake backgrounds and make up kits and big lights. i actually find it very intimidating, like i have to put up a performance and i know i'm going to be booed off the stage.
i try to conjure up funny thoughts in my head, think of my earlier photos (that usually works) or just listen to the photographer who generally tends to have a very obviously accented and toned up voice (politically correct way of saying 'Gay'). i hope i don't go to grave with this blemish on me, hope i learn to smile when it really matters.

P.S. i got my photo for my voting card clicked today....its my worst ever....HELP!!


comenha ha ha ha.. i guess 'm the reason for this entry.. he he.. i shall continue valiantly to get the worst(by tht i meant all) snaps of my good roomie.. *evil laugh*

som.....great work.i finally went thru ur blog n tat sally story u wre tellin me about is awesome.i was somehow tryin to relate it to ur life, like i usually do..haha. but its really nice..will read the rest sometime soon.