Remember the good old days of WWF. The Rock and ‘Stone Cold’
Steve Austin kind, not the cute panda kind. That is still there. Right? Moving on..
While the WWF I loved has been replaced by WWE which is
quite obviously fake unlike the good ol days when they actually fought,
genuinely got angry and meant to do those stunts with all that anger and vigour.
Okay maybe I am getting carried away and that’s why growing up sucks. Let’s
leave that for another post. But either way, the one thing that hasn’t changed
is the ‘entry song’. Remember that? Remember Triple H’s mean ‘I-will-beat-the-crap-out-of-you-and-then-spit-water-coz-its-cool’
entry song? Remember ‘Big Show’ coming on with the swagger of an elephant on
dope. Ya well that was the shit. Those songs would electrify the crowds in the
arena and get me super excited too especially when ‘Rock’ would come
unexpectedly during a match and beat the crap outta some poor guy and get the
hell out of there to the crazy adulation of his fans with me air ‘choke
slamming’ my pillow to death.
Now that’s the power of an entry song. And I think we all
need one.
An entry song is an announcement of your arrival. It could
be at the beginning of your day, it could be when you walk into office or when
you sit to take a dump or it could even be when you walk into gym. It’s that
song that sets you free and makes you look at everyone around you and go, ‘Look
at me bitches, I’m the real shit’ (Side note : That line translated in Tamil –
damn funny!!). It is the song that reminds you of the part of you that you want
yourself to be all day. It may not play on loud speakers in a stadium filled
with people but it sure plays in your head waking up every bone in you and
reminding you that getting your act together is the best orgasm you can give
yourself. Ok, make that second best. Either way, an entry song that you play on
your Ipod or phone which only you hear on your earphones allows you distinct
anonymity especially for the ones who choose to have ‘Justborn’ Bieber or ‘Dicey’
Cyrus as their artist of choice. You see no one will ever know what you are
hearing and you will just have that smug smile of a person ready to kill it.
We all aren’t built to motivate ourselves all day, we need
props. We need the power of music or powerful imagery. Technology makes it
freaking easy yet cumbersome to figure out that one perfect aid that will help
you rev up those engines. So choose wisely and if it is embarrassing, don’t worry
because the music, the artist or the words don’t matter, it is only the feeling
that it gives you which gets you ready to kick ass every day that counts. The
rest can stick to their motivational quotes for all I care.
And just for the record, this is my entry song.